Soap opera is the term for theatrical drama serial broadcast by television stations. In English, the soap opera called a soap opera, whereas in Spanish called a telenovela. Soap operas in general, tells the story of everyday human life marked by prolonged conflict. Like adrama or a drama, soap opera begins with the introduction of characters who have the characterof each. Various different character conflict that grew so great that to the point of climax. End of a soap opera can be happy or sad, depending on the way the story is determined by the screen writer.
Soap operas made into dozens of episodes mostly due to purely commercial purpose sofeared degrade the quality of the story, which ultimately makes the soap opera became no longer teach, but only presents the things that are entertaining. This is a lot happening in Indonesia, which generally tells about teenage life with the intrigues of love triangles, family life full of violence, and the theme lately so popular that is about the life of the supernatural.
Soap opera: Noun, a radio or television series depicting the interconnected lives ofmany characters often in a sentimental, melodramatic way.
Degrade: Verb, to lower in dignity or estimation, bring into contempt.
Intrigues: Verb, to arouse the curiosity or interest of by unusual, new, orotherwise fascinating or compelling qualities, appeal stronglyto, captivate.
Violence: Noun, swift and intense force.